The SCL has long been mired in allegations of doping and the use of intoxicants.
So, last week, five of The Elders met to discuss and address this issue. Their judgement (in a 4 to 1 majority) was that an anti-doping agency has no place in the world of carrom and would serve only to "send the wrong message."
Bruce Morton headed the inquiry by dint of his experience of having gone out with a nurse and of spending two years in medical school. He was, as known, thrown out of that school because his techniques were deemed "too radical." To that decision, Morton is on record as saying "they lost a pioneer."
The doping accusations against the SCL players contained these:
Stu Thomson: ingested Conjureraprine
Frazer J: Psuedoephedrine and Cialis and Diamente-pumpadrone.
John McManus: Class C and Class B substances while operating a striker.
James Young: mephedrone, standalone, mobilephone snd Gonn-yersel.
Paul McCole: Dignitalis, Goon Goon, Lulu Plus and Tall Blockers.
Lulu Brown: Paint sniffer. Distribution of Tall Blockers
Paul Shep: Ink sniffer.
Jim Muir welcomed the judgement of The Elders, stating. "We await the straight."
This blog hails the judgement and the unity of the crew. All hail, too, the recent actions of the SCL admins meerkating vs interlopers.
And all hail The Clash...
Julie's been working for the drug squad