Carrom Links


Wiki description

Overview of the game.

Laws of carrom

The rules.

Maharashtra Carrom Association 

Lots of vids on MCA youtube channel to see expert action and classy matches. Features gameplay from legends such as Prashant More, Mohd Guhfran, Yogesh Dohngade, Sandeep Dive, Kajal Kumari.

Masters of Games

This UK firm sells all sorts of wood games and more - including carrom boards. Amongst other brands, they stock Atelier-Radscha boards (as owned by SCL members Bruce, Stu, Paul McCole and Paul Shep). Check out some of the A-R range on that site here


Cool and distinct carrom boards from Switzerland.  Some of these boards should be on a catwalk.

Click image to enlarge


carrom pierre

Tips and guides and game from respected player Carrom Pierre. Canadian/French fella of friendly demeanour and mucho skill. Lovely tutorials.

Carrom Content

Bruce Morton youtube channel features this playlist of assorted carrom vids and skits. 




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