Friday, April 21, 2023

Just Stop Oil targets carrom


Salam Alaykum

Just Stop Oil states that carrom is a legitimate target for protests against fossil fuel.

Following disruption to The Grand National and the snooker, it was perhaps no surprise that the SCL meet at Linen 1906 on Thursday 20th April was delayed whilst police removed protesters from the mezzanine.

One person glued himself to a board, another glued himself to a door and a third glued himself to a fourth. Two passsing glue sniffers charged into the pub and added to the confusion. All hail the Linen staff who set off a fire alarm and, too, hail the peacemaker Paul McCole who exhorted, from the mezz, "Calm doon - we've all had a wee bit of glue!"

Order restored, protesters huckled, the meet progressed in convivial fashion, three boards placed, the year 2023 new players now settled and lauded as SCL crew and more brand new players showing up that evening to try the game. 

However, OGs Paul, James and Bruce conferred and suggested that the April 27th meet at Linen be iced. "The safety of players is paramount" said Paul. 

Bruce (who didn't lose a game that evening) was in accord. James - who had inhaled a lot of the glue - muttered some stuff about Ann Peebles' first album and promised to provide extra security at the venue, including drones and a doorman with a Mandalorian helmet.

So, the April 27th meet is likely to be postponed. We shall be back on the Linen mezz on Thursday May 4th. Check the Facebook Southside Carrom League page for fast updates.

Further, the Summerboard Event 2023 at The Cabin could be a target for these fruitloops. OG Stephen McCole, who is hosting the event, says that security will "be heavy." At time of writing, Stephen is acting in Anna Karenina at The Lyceum, Edinburgh.


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