Saturday, October 28, 2023

Big Dianne and the Plus Size Badminton


Salam alaykum

All hail Big Dianne and her bravuro second place in the Plus Size badminton tournament in Shawbridge this weekend. In a thrilling final against tournament favourite, Heavy Heather (current Cathcart state champion), our lass D gave every ounce of her perspiration in a display of old-school glow badminton style and determination and wheezing.

Congratulations to the third and fourth placed competitors Big Janice and Fiona the Flump.

Said Big D: "I was blootered when I got onto the court and starving by the time we'd finished. Much respect to Heather who took me and Janice and Fiona to an artisan chip shop after the competition. Then we ordered a taxi to take us all back up the road but there wasn't enough room in the vehicle so Fiona ended up walking."

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