Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Paul McCole v Jim Muir

Paul McCole


Jim Muir 

Salam alaykum 

Heavyweights. McCole and Muir. Players of deep skill and attitude.

But, still yet to face each other. The match that connoissuers have demanded for four years remains as mist on the horizon. Muir cites "family commitments". McCole states, "I have more children than you. Bring it."

Is Muir afraid? Doth his prayers to Ka Ma fall on empty ears? Is McCole foolish in his braggadocio?

The SCL awaits the clash of Titans. JasBet puts McCole as 2/1 favourite.

Recent form. Muir sluggish over slow powder. McCole strong in late-stage game. There is no doubt that when this match happens, tickets will be like gold dust. Rod Stewart is rooting for McCole. The people of Muir's hometown, Kilmarnock, don't care. Is such ambivalence fuel for Muir's style?

The stage is set. It only remains for McCole and Muir to go to the weigh-in and confirm the date.

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