Monday, July 24, 2023

Palace of Carrom Excellence



Salam alaykum

OG Jim has proposed an idea for a Palace of Carrom Excellence. His plan involves illegality but could work. Essentially, it involves squatting and setting up a carrom dojo in a vacant industrial unit in Partick just up the road from where he resides. He has provided no detail of who would run this dojo nor how mosaics and maintenance would be financed.

His inspirations for the idea include the mumbais who built the Maharashtra Carrom Association; The Renaissance, Sir Christopher Wren and his vision for St Paul's Cathedral and the architects and engineers who created the temple atop Wu Dan mountain.

The Blog reached out to The Elders.

SMC "I'm not relocating to an abandoned shed in Partick"

Jas Y "This can jog the fk on"

Bruce "Nope"

Paul McCole "Southside Carrom League - the clue is in the name."

John McManus "It'd be like 1948 at the creation of the state of Israel."

Despite the doubts of The Elders, Jim will, of course, be given platform at the SCL Cathcart Conference in September. Whether his proposal will sway members, delegates and, crucially, the RBOs (Registered Board Owners) is uncertain.

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