Sunday, August 13, 2023

The nature of mistakes


Salam alaykum

The Southside Carrom League is accustomed to mistakes. A badly aligned atttempt; failing a thumb-shot reverse from 2cm distance; getting so high and chatty that you can't remember who it is to go next; forgetting what colour you are on and potting one of your opponent's pieces, wearing tweed after dark - the list goes on.

Were it not for mistakes, though, triumph would be hollow. Who among us has not had a serotonin kick when the opponent dumped his/her striker into a pocket? Who among us has not felt gloom when making such a mistake? Not one. So, we share the misery of mistakes and a smile at the dismay of our opponents. Mistakes bind us.

How do we recognise a mistake? Here, a handy guide to common Carrom screw-ups.

Displays of smug behaviour.

Techno or rock as background music.

Opponent was so into their next shot that they forgot that you had just fouled and should have had one of your pieces placed back on the board. ICF rules state that it is not incumbent of the fouler to notify the foulee.

Turning up in the first place.


Putting ketchup on Cajun Fries.


Using more than two fingers to investigate a pocket.

Going for the Queen when you have no chance of a cover.


All hail mistakes. Without them our sport would be humdrum.





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